Monday, August 05, 2013

Time flies (again)!

Well, well, well... It's amazing how time flies! In the last 3 years since my last post, I have dated and gotten married, carried and given birth!

It's simply incredulous that I might feel inspired to return to blogging at a time when I should be making the best use of my spare time to sleep and rest. Indeed!

But despite the joys of being a new mother, I am starting to feel a tad disconnected from the rest of the world. Perhaps taking that 15-20 minutes to write my thoughts down would help? Only time will tell...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Time flies

Oops. Another year and a half has flown past before I'm hunkered in front of my computer typing out these words... I am such a procrastinator!

This blog serves as another reminder how inconscientious and short-lived my 'passions' are. Having started the blog when I left Singapore for my Masters in London in September, I only managed to have somewhat 'regular' entries for 2 whole MONTHS before the creative juices petered out. In comparison with another friend of mine who managed to put in an entry every night before she turned in during her year of studies in Holland, I am pathetic!

But we know what we can do with our comparisons, don't we?

Anyway, to sum up what has happened in the past 20 months - I have finished my Masters, gone back home for 3 months (eating and sleeping for at least a month), come back to London for my graduation ceremony with my mum, meeting up with my brother since he left for Sweden in Aug '08, and taught for 2 out of the 3 school terms which make an academic year in the UK!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Nov 2008

Let's continue with my updating of my last 2 months...

Nov 1 - Borough Market

More fresh meat at Borough Market. Made the pictures a bit smaller, so it's not as gross. The weather is cool enough so the meat doesn't rot and stink.

Nov 2 - Hyde Park

Went to Hyde Park to study again. Made potato salad for lunch.

Nov 6 - Dinner out

Had dinner out at Chinatown tonight. Spent a lot of money shopping for new shoes and new pants for work at Brewery. Also decided to splurge a bit of cash on another pair of Levi's jeans.

Nov 8 - Nottingham Games

Nov 13 - Makan session at GSDA with Apple's friends

Nov 15 - Dinner out again...

Nov 20 - Yes, you guessed it. Dinner out yet again!

Nov 22 - 'Home-made' wantons

First time made wantons from scratch without any help from Mummy dearest.

Not too bad. The 400g of minced pork was just enough to make 3 boxes of 15 wantons (1 packet of wanton skins). Cooking 1 box for dinner, gave 1 box to flatmate and freeze 1 box for future dinner.

Nov 23 - Char kuay teow!

Nov 28 - Ice-skating at Natural History Museum

Nov 30 - Dim Sum

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oct 2008

Wah... Never realised how long it has been since I last updated my blog...

Just a very brief summary then...

Oct 26 - Zombie Day

Despite the rain and wind, a number of zombies turned up today at Marble Arch. It was hilarious how seriously some of the participants were. Their make-up and attire were top-notch! Pretty scary when they get into their roles and act zombie-like. Otherwise, it was just a big party. Lotsa laughing and of course, handphone-pic snapping away.

Oct 28 - Study Time

I haven't been wasting my time running around London and enjoying myself. I do take the time out to study and do my assignments. As most of my lessons are online discussions, I don't have to go to school very often (once a week?!). However, knowing myself, I study best when I'm out in the open and in a public space. Strange, but that's me! *grin*

Oct 29 - Omu-noodles

I'm really glad of my culinary skills and willingness to experiment with my food. I much prefer noodles to rice, and so I tried my hand at making omu-noodles today. It's a modified version of the japanesse omu-rice, fried rice in omelette. Not too bad. I was able to envelope the noodles neatly in the fried omelette.

Oct 30 - GBK & Mousetrap

Yeh! Met up with an old fren and had a good meal of burger (MEAT!) and fries. Followed by the Agatha Christie play "The Mousetrap".

I have watched a number of West End musicals but this would be my first West End play. Very nice. The storyline was good and I didn't expect the ending at all. Maybe I should go borrow more of her books to read. In general, I find that I prefer the original text versions of these dramas and converted-shows.

Oct 31 - Jazz at National Theatre

What a great way to end the month. Introduced a new friend to the free daily live performances at the National Theatre. I wonder if and when Esplanade will be able to have such regular FREE performances. I do know that they do have them occasionally, usually together with some special art and music festivals.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

On chocolate high

I need to keep this up... Work hard on Monday through Thursday. Catch up on my blog and Facebook on Friday. Do my volunteer work on Saturday. Then reward myself with a good and leisurely Sunday.

Had a great time out just now. Enjoyed 2 evenings of outdoors movie screenings at Leicester Square. Didn't finish last night's one before of the rain and my KCL Film Society movie screening, and was late for tonight's one. But well, better late than never! So, highlight 1 was updating my Facebook today, and managed to talk with a number of my friends and students online too.

Managed to put together my 'picnic bag' of food but it wasn't up to standard. Spent too much time earlier this afternoon updating my Facebook photos and forgot about the time. Sorry I was so late! But well, highlight 2: catching the series of old silent movies which slowly progressed to ones with colour and sound. Watching the movies at Leicester Square. And the experience is totally different when one is alone vs with company. Highlight 3: having someone serve as a guinea pig for my cooking. I've always enjoyed cooking, esp for other people. Hope his stomach is made of steel... *grin*

Had cold food in what was already a chilly evening. But moved on to a Chinese restaurant for some hot soup. Highlight 4: Ordering food using Cantonese. Yes, Cantonese are proud people. And I've never been more proud of being able to speak Cantonese. More than I am of being able to speak Chinese, actually.

Highlight 5: Having someone listen. I thought I had learnt to shut up in Singapore. Or maybe because I was talking all the time when I teach, so I grew to shut up after I started teaching. But now that I'm a student again, and was being encouraged to think more and speak up in class, I think I'm starting to be my talkative self again. Of course, one needs a nice person who listens... Thank you for listening! Do shut me up more often and talk about yourself next time, k?

Highlight 6: Being told that I'm a 'young and attractive' gal, I was (and still am, in fact) pretty stunned to hear that. So I kinda missed which noun you said after the 3 words... I think I have never heard that ever... So, thank you!

Highlight 7: See picture below. Look at my face. Enough said...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sex education for young needs a revamp

Seriously, aren't parents supposed to educate their young? Why do they insist on teachers 'teaching' everything?

The article was first published in The Straits Times on 22 Oct, 2008.

The article is reproduced from AsiaOne

Sunday, October 19, 2008

All-time Fave Songs 3

Right! I've finally introduced a Chinese song in my list of fave songs. Here's another Chinese song, and a duet too!

I loved these songs before I know who sang the songs.

Hm... I wonder if there's a theme to these songs?

All-time Fave Songs 2

Since we are on the topic of my all-time fave songs, I can't miss out on my all-time fave singer - 張國榮!

And here are 2 of my fave of his songs from the movie 金枝玉葉.

I could especially relate to this movie (1996) because this was the year I entered JC and started on my 'female-isation'. *laugh*

For those who don't know me pre-JC, I was a super tom-boy back then. Super short hair and often mistaken for a boy. My father even started introducing me as his 'eldest son'... And *lol* I actually had a junior (yes, gal) who had a crush on me!

So just when I was in JC for some time and started liking boys, this movie came on, what a coincidence!

Not to mention it had 2 of my fave artistes - 張國榮 and 袁詠儀.

And that brings me to the 4th song on my All-time Fave Songs list. It's the song that my KTV-pals are probably sick of hearing me sing it. It was the only song I would sing before I took singing lessons and it was a song I finally mastered after I took singing lessons. Anybody can guess the song yet? *grin*

All-time Fave Songs 1

Sigh... Fate had it that I came across another of my fave songs while searching for the Chinese version of my fave Korean song.

Loved this song when I saw the movie - who wouldn't love a movie with 梁朝偉 in it (although I still don't really understand 色戒). Never knew what the song name was until my friend sang it at KTV.

And someone actually said I wasn't a romantic... *laugh*

Anyone heard of the chinese version of this song?

Sigh. 真是情深缘浅...

I heard and fell in love with this song when I first watched 파리의 연인 (Lovers in Paris) some 4 years back. Actually went as far to buy the original VCDs and soundtrack. For people who know I'm very stingy when it comes to dramas and music which I can get freely online, it means I must really LOVE the show and the soundtrack...

Anyway, I heard the Chinese version of this song some 2 days before I left Singapore at Aegean Sea. There, it was sung as a duet but the original Korean version was sung by a male singer. So, I'm not sure if the Chinese version has been changed to a duet version or the singers at Aegean Sea decided to sing it as a duet version. I actually took the time and effort while listening to the song to write down some of the lyrics so I can google the song, but in the rush to pack my stuff for the trip to London, I lost the piece of paper... *sob sob*

Well, if anyone has heard of the Chinese version of this song, can drop me a note? I would be so grateful!